Resource Library
Thank you for raising awareness of eating disorders. We are thrilled to offer you the resources below. You are welcome to download and utilize this information. While we appreciate you sharing the documents, they may not be altered in any way from the original format that appears on this website. Thank you!
Eating Disorder Brochures
Lab Coat Card
Guidelines for Practitioners: Assessment of Eating Disorders that includes what to incorporate in the physical exam, laboratory tests, review of symptoms, physical findings, DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, and screening questions.
School Letters
Diet culture is a part of a greater culture. So, unfortunately, it shows up in schools, too. The National Alliance for Eating Disorders and Sunny Side Up Nutrition have teamed up to create 5 letters for parents and guardians to help combat possible food and weight conversations.
Instead of reinventing the wheel each time diet culture shows up, or not knowing what to do, download one of our letters, personalize it, and send it to your school or child’s teacher.
Weighing children in schools has the serious potential to cause harm.
The unintentional harm is caused when school lessons/assignments focus on weight or moralize food as good or bad.
When there is interference around what “should” be eaten and/or diet based comments are made, we interfere with their children’s abilities to trust and listen to their bodies.
While school assignments do not cause eating disorders, they can be a trigger for vulnerable students.
Introducing Yourself at the Beginning of the School Year