Not One More 2023 | Alsana

February 16, 2023

Not One More. For me and the rest of the Alsana team, this means working collectively to spread awareness about eating disorders and their impact on individuals, families, and communities, as well as spreading support to those struggling to show them that their lives and experiences matter. This acknowledgement and understanding breeds compassion – an essential ingredient in sustained recovery from eating disorders and an important step in reaching the goal of having “Not One More” life impacted by these mental health illnesses.

Whether you are a family member, friend, or a fellow healthcare professional, the power of kindness and understanding can make a significant difference in the life of someone that is struggling with an eating disorder, including giving them the tools to learn how to build self-compassion and receive it from others. That’s why at Alsana, we emphasize the importance of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), a method proven effective in shame reduction and trauma treatment. CFT promotes mental and emotional healing by helping clients replace internalized shame and self-criticism with acceptance and self-compassion. It also aids in the cultivation of mood management and relational skills and is proven effective not only in the treatment of eating disorders, but also in treating common comorbidities such as anxiety and depression.

Taking a Compassionate Approach

Compassion is a key element in eating disorder recovery, and it involves understanding the feelings and experiences of others and responding to their needs with kindness and empathy. When a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, it’s natural to feel frustrated, confused, or even angry, but it’s important to remember that the person is not in control of their thoughts or behaviors, and that they need our support and understanding more than anything else.

Compassion can take many forms, from simply listening to someone’s struggles, to offering words of encouragement and hope, to providing practical assistance and support, including encouraging professional treatment. It can also involve being patient, non-judgmental, and accepting, even when it’s difficult to understand what someone is going through.

For individuals struggling with eating disorders, I have seen the impact of compassion be profound. Feeling understood and supported can help reduce feelings of shame, isolation, and hopelessness, and increase confidence and motivation to continue the recovery journey. Moreover, compassion can foster a sense of connection and belonging, and help people feel valued and loved, even when they feel their lowest.

Cultivating Self-Compassion

Self-compassion refers to being kind, understanding, and supportive towards oneself, especially during difficult times. It is about acknowledging and accepting one’s own experiences and emotions, and treating oneself with the same compassion and care that one would offer to a close friend.

Self-compassion can play a crucial role in eating disorder recovery, as it can help individuals to overcome negative self-talk, develop a healthier relationship with food and their body, and foster resilience and emotional wellbeing. By developing self-compassion, individuals can learn to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves and to be gentle and supportive with themselves, even during difficult times.

For anyone struggling with an eating disorder, my top advice is to remember to be as kind, patient, and compassionate with yourself as you can be. Activating feelings of compassion to replace the tendencies of shame and self-criticism can help build a strong foundation of emotional and psychological resilience that will help support oneself on their recovery journey.

Compassionate Treatment at Alsana

Alsana is committed to providing holistic, evidence-based eating disorder treatment, driven by data and a compassionate culture. As care providers, it is important to embody the compassion and self-compassion we hope to inspire in our clients.

We offer clients individualized, holistic treatment programming that is built on the foundation of our Adaptive Care Model®. This allows our treatment teams to address and help heal all areas of clients’ lives – including relational and movement-related challenges that often go untreated with traditional ED care models. We have also enhanced our existing treatment approach, which includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT).

For myself and the entire Alsana team, we find deep fulfillment and purpose in knowing that we are a part of someone’s journey to not only accessing care, but also to working towards healing and recovery. We are grateful to have the opportunity to support people in reclaiming their story, empowering themselves, and ensuring that NOT ONE MORE life is lost, NOT ONE MORE child is taken, and NOT ONE MORE precious moment is destroyed by eating disorders.

Alsana is an eating recovery community and treatment provider that helps adult clients of all genders achieve lasting eating disorder recovery and whole health. We offer clients individualized, holistic treatment programming that is built on the foundation of our Adaptive Care Model®. This allows our treatment teams to address and help heal all areas of clients’ lives – including relational and movement-related challenges that often go untreated with traditional ED care models. With in-person programs in California, Alabama, and Missouri, and virtual programs that serve clients across the U.S., our compassionate team of eating disorder treatment professionals is committed to meeting each unique client where they are in their recovery journey. For more information, please visit: