Not One More 2023 | ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders

February 10, 2023

Many of the physical manifestations of an eating disorder are overlooked or are accepted as a part of life. For those suffering from an eating disorder as well as their loved ones, it can become easy to accept that this is just how it is now; the physical pain and emotional pain, the lack of energy and mental clarity and the lack of physical strength or ability to perform daily tasks of living are all seen as permanent features of life.

But at the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders and Severe Malnutrition we know that’s not true. We specialize in treating the severe medical complications associated with eating disorders. Through medical stabilization and nutritional rehabilitation, many of the medical complications of eating disorders are treatable. We believe that a future where Not One More person is debilitated by their eating disorder is possible, and we are committed to that goal.

Not One More is possible, and one of the many ways to achieve that is through education of providers of all specialties on the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder, so they can identify an eating disorder early.

When individuals lose muscle mass due to the progression of their eating disorder, their physical strength begins to decline. This means it becomes difficult and can seem impossible to perform daily tasks and simple things like getting dressed, going for a walk, or even getting up. Through early identification and diagnosis of an eating disorder, we can ensure Not One More person will be weakened by an eating disorder.

When malnourished, the body has no fuel to run on. Individuals with an eating disorder have little energy to participate fully in life. Their world becomes smaller as they become unable to enjoy the hobbies and activities they used to. Through early identification and diagnosis of an eating disorder, we can ensure Not One More person has to give up the things they love.

The brain is not safe from an eating disorder; not just in terms of mental and emotional health. As an eating disorder progresses, the body focuses more energy on survival than cognitive function. This can lead to brain fog, and with that comes difficulty with mentally challenging tasks, like what you’d do during school or a job. Through early identification and diagnosis of an eating disorder, we can ensure Not One More person loses an opportunity.

Cardiovascular complications are one of the leading causes of death in patients with eating disorders. At first, they might manifest as a low heart rate and low blood pressure. Through early identification and diagnosis of an eating disorder, we can ensure Not One More is lost to cardiovascular complications.

ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders and Severe Malnutrition is on a mission to further improve access to expert medical stabilization care for all persons affected by the extreme medical complications of eating disorders, as well as those suffering with severe malnutrition stemming from advanced disease or infection. ACUTE is the only dedicated inpatient medical stabilization program in the country with the resources, environment and experience to treat the most medically severe cases of eating disorders and malnutrition. For more information, please visit: