Not One More 2022 | Center for Change

February 26, 2022

Not One More” is a jumping off point for action leading to change. Progress can take small steps that can sometimes be hard to see. To provide Help, Support, and Recovery, we need to focus on Hope, Opportunity, and Resources to inspire us to act.

Being immersed in a pandemic scenario for almost 2 years has affected the mental health of almost everyone I know in ways that are still becoming evident. (In addition to the obvious effects like getting sick, having family members sick, etc.…). Right now, for me, the phrase “Not One More” is about connection. We need connection to spark hope, to feel seen, and to believe that change is possible. For so many, this pandemic has resulted in anxiety, fear, and isolation. So, when I think “Not One More” I think: Not One More person feeling alone, Not One More individual thinking they are the only one, and Not One More person without support.

People like to talk about the positives of the pandemic. More time with family. Less running around. Focusing on what’s truly important. Working from home. I get it. It’s ingrained in our culture to try and make the best of things and to look for the silver lining. It’s almost un-American if you don’t try to make lemonade out of lemons. It’s important to see the gray areas and remember that conclusions don’t have to be black and white. Something can be positive and negative at the same time.

It is important to look for ways to share hope, offer opportunities, and provide resources. I believe this is relevant and we must recognize that connection is the key that sparks change. What can I do to help increase connection in my life and the life of others in my world? Especially during a pandemic?

Last spring, I made a list of friends, colleagues, and relatives who I wanted to reach out to. At first, I had given myself a goal of one per week, but I had to be more forgiving with myself. My goal was to really connect and check in. They are mostly organic conversations that, at the very least, provide a listening ear and, at times, offer or receive much-needed support. Some of these calls, texts, and emails have gone unanswered and I have had to accept that. Support and connection can look different for everyone. For me, it has helped me feel less isolated and others have told me how much they have appreciated being able to talk.

It seems like a simple thing and it is. Obviously, some issues need professional attention, but reaching out to people who care can shed light and offer pathways that were hidden. Recently a family member contacted me to tell me that she was really struggling. I don’t know if this door would have been open if I hadn’t started reaching out to her on a regular basis last spring. And she just needed someone to listen. On the other side, I had a rough patch this past fall and it helped immensely to have people that reached out.

I have realized that at the core of “Not One More” is the idea that we need each other. Connection is the jumping off point for everything. Look for ways to increase connection in your own life and look for others who need connection. Connection is the key to Help, Support, Recovery and “Not One More”.

Center for Change is a place of hope and healing that is committed to helping people break free and fully recover from their eating disorders.  The Center uses a multi-disciplinary approach with specialized and intensive treatment for eating disorders and co-occurring issues, including a specialty program for co-occurring diabetes (ED-DMT1).  We offer the most comprehensive medical, dietary, and psychotherapy programs available, with a full continuum of care – from inpatient and residential treatment, to day & evening programs and outpatient services. We focus on healing the whole person – mind, body, spirit, and relationships – to free those suffering from the pain and loneliness that have overcome their lives. Insurance is accepted and multiple funding options are available.  Center for Change is accredited by The Joint Commission, AdvancED, and is TRICARE® certified.  For more information contact the Center at 888-224-8250 or visit