A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

What Does a Dietitian Do?

The terms dietitian, nutritionist, and nutrition coach are often used interchangeably -- but they are not the same. A dietitian, or registered dietitian, has had extensive education, specialized coursework, an internship and a national exam, along with continuing education and state licensure. They provide expert nutrition education, create personalized meal plans, and collaborate with other health care providers. With a…

June 14, 2024

Can Eating Disorders Affect Fertility? 

Eating disorders impact the lives of millions of people. Conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, OSFED, and binge eating disorder can take a toll on a person’s health and wellbeing in many ways, and can lead to challenging health concerns. One challenge individuals experiencing eating disorders may struggle with is fertility. This intersection of two very personal journeys, an eating…

June 04, 2024

Coping with Summer Eating Disorder Triggers

Many eating disorder triggers tend to intensify around spring break and the summer months that follow. This poses significant challenges for individuals with a history of eating disorders and/or body image dissatisfaction. For people with eating disorders, the summer months can be incredibly challenging. Maintaining recovery from an eating disorder requires consistent effort, vigilance, and support. Experiencing setbacks in recovery…

June 03, 2024

Bright Spots: Recent Breakthroughs in Eating Disorder Treatment Options

Living with an eating disorder is incredibly challenging and can ultimately be life-threatening. These conditions intertwine mental and physical health in complex ways. Caused by a range of factors, involving genetic, societal, environmental, and other influences, treating these disorders can be equally as nuanced. Individualized and holistic approaches are increasingly effective in addressing these disorders' unique aspects. This article explores…

May 30, 2024

11 Subtle Signs of an Eating Disorder that Are Easy to Miss

A quick online search for “signs of an eating disorder” delivers you countless websites listing warning signs and common symptoms, but these lists aren’t comprehensive. And while many signs of an eating disorder are pretty intuitive and might raise eyebrows on their own—like, say, significant changes in body weight and extreme dieting—many others are less obvious, and often go unnoticed.…

May 20, 2024

Embracing Recovery: Facing Eating Disorders over Summer Break

As summer approaches, individuals struggling with eating disorders may experience an increase in anxiety. With summer comes holiday gatherings, a focus on body image and food, and plenty to compare ourselves to on social media. This time of year also coincides with more students seeking eating disorder treatment in their months off from school. This may stem from a variety…

May 06, 2024

Eating Disorder Statistics: An Updated View for 2024

Eating disorders (EDs) are complex, brain-based illnesses that have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental illness. They impact a significant portion of the global population, though, like many illnesses, they often go unnoticed and underdiagnosed. In fact, more than 70% of those struggling will never receive access to the eating disorder treatment they need and deserve.  Before…

May 04, 2024

Let’s Talk About Eating Disorders and Athletes

These days, when someone mentions the benefits of sports or athletics, the conversation almost always hits the same few points: of course, athletics are good for physical health, but the benefits for social, mental, and emotional wellness bring the benefits of athletics to the next level. And while there’s plenty of anecdotal truth (and scientific data) to back up these…

April 29, 2024

The Role of Body Positivity in Eating Disorder Treatment & Recovery

Our relationships with our bodies are deeply personal, constantly shifting and evolving throughout our lifetimes. If you have lived experience with body image concerns, disordered eating, or an eating disorder, adopting a positive (or even neutral) mindset about your body can feel like an unrealistic—if not altogether impossible—task. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), body…

April 26, 2024

What Are PHP and IOP Treatments for Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are serious conditions that can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, body size, and socioeconomic background. Eating disorders impact nearly 10% of the American population, making it a significant health concern. But did you know that 45% of those who experience eating disorders achieve full recovery? And that nearly 80% of people with eating disorders achieve partial recovery?…

April 05, 2024
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