A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

Is Body Dysmorphia an Eating Disorder?

Some signs of eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) overlap, so it can be hard to know where one starts and the other begins. Both conditions can cause excessive mirror-checking, avoiding social situations due to body image concerns, and seeking reassurance about physical appearance. While eating disorders focus on overall size and shape, BDD can get stuck on specific…

September 09, 2024

The Impact of Eating Disorders on Athletic Performance

The benefits of athletics are well-established. Participating in organized sports can help you build self-esteem, recognize the value of teamwork, set the foundation for a lifelong physical activity practice, improve mental health, promote social connections, open the doorway for scholarships or even a career, and teach important life skills, such as goal-setting and leadership. However, these positive outcomes come with…

September 06, 2024

The Link Between Eating Disorders and Substance Use

Eating disorders and substance use disorders are mental illnesses – not moral failings. With early detection, treatment intervention, and ongoing support, recovery is possible. Key Points in this Blog Eating disorders (EDs) frequently co-occur with substance use disorders (SUDs). The relationship between these conditions is complex. Genetics, co-occurring mental health conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety), and individual coping mechanisms play a…

September 04, 2024

What are the 5 Warning Signs of Orthorexia?

Orthorexia is a form of disordered eating characterized by an obsession with “healthy” or “clean” eating, often causing anxiety and extreme rigidity around food choices. Warning signs can include: Preoccupation with ingredient quality Avoiding entire food groups Fear of eating out Anxiety when deviating from strict eating patterns Clean eating is often praised, which can mask orthorexia and lead to…

August 30, 2024

The Intersection of Eating Disorders and Chronic Illnesses

For those who struggle with an eating disorder, many daily activities and routines can be difficult, no matter where a person is on the recovery journey. When an eating disorder intersects with a chronic illness, these difficulties can be intensified. This article will help you understand the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder, as well as the complications that…

August 27, 2024

Back-to-School with Eating Disorder Recovery

Balancing eating disorder recovery during the back-to-school season is possible and can be managed effectively with the right resources and strategies. Many students are gearing up to head back to school or have already made it through their first day. For those struggling with an eating disorder, this season can bring a slew of excitement along with inevitable stressors. Here…

August 22, 2024

Demystifying Eating Disorder Therapy

CBT, CBT-E, DBT… Have you ever wondered what all those letters stand for and why they are so often talked about at The Emily Program and by other eating disorder professionals? If so, this is the post for you. Let’s dissect these terms, help you understand them, and explain why they are important to the work clients and clinicians do…

August 14, 2024

Our List of 50+ Eating Disorder Recovery Tips for Tough Days

Everyone’s path to recovery is unique and involves managing the ups and downs that come with it. Building a supportive network, practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and using coping skills like mindfulness are just a few of the many tools that can help along the way. Remember, recovery isn’t linear -- but with persistence and support, you can find healing. Excerpt…

August 13, 2024

Living and Learning with Diabetes for Nearly 50 Years

Dr. Mike Swinyard was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes nearly 50 years ago. He was told that after 10 to 15 years of living with the chronic illness, he’d start to see medical complications. He says, “It doesn’t help anyone to inject fear to motivate someone, to remind them if they don’t do XYZ, these will get XYZ complications. We…

August 12, 2024
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