A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

Gastroparesis and Eating Disorders

Gastroparesis is a stomach condition that is highly prevalent within the eating disorder community. The term “gastroparesis” directly translates to “stomach paralysis.” This condition acutely affects the normal movement of the stomach muscles. Perhaps you or a loved one suffers from gastroparesis, or maybe this is your first introduction to the condition. Regardless of your baseline understanding, this comprehensive overview…

July 22, 2024

Addressing the Connection Between Mood Disorders and Eating Disorders: Insights from Recent Research

Monte Nido’s most recent outcomes show that 85% of all clients had a co-occurring diagnosis of a mood, anxiety or substance use disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While it’s known that major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) are commonly comorbid with eating disorders, there is limited data about the clinical features of such patients,…

July 19, 2024

Depression and Eating Disorders: The Connection Explained

Weight changes, fatigue and insomnia can be common signs of both depression and eating disorders. So, how can you figure out what's causing your symptoms? Studies show that many individuals with eating disorders also experience depression, so it might be both – it's important to get a comprehensive assessment to understand the exact support you need. Evidence-based therapies like CBT,…

July 17, 2024

What Is Body Dysmorphia and How Does it Relate to Eating Disorders?

Before Stacy Jones was diagnosed with an eating disorder, she struggled with a related but separate issue: body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia, also known as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), is a mental health condition in which a person can’t see themselves objectively, and instead fixates on certain body parts or “flaws” in their appearance. “I had no idea what my body…

July 11, 2024

Rethinking Exercise: Joyful Movement Is Possible in Eating Disorder Recovery

In our appearance-obsessed culture, exercise is often portrayed as a means to attain the “perfect” body, rather than a practice that can nourish your mind and body in ways unrelated to weight, shape, or size. As a result, societal pressures often distort the true value and potential benefits of physical activity, leading to unhealthy attitudes and behaviors related to exercise.…

July 03, 2024

Trauma and Eating Disorders

Life is full of ups and downs. But if a single, recurring, or even abstract situation becomes overwhelming or too stressful, the body can signal a trauma response. Living with trauma often means that your nervous system is more easily triggered into a state of distress. Eating disorders (such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder) can develop as…

June 29, 2024


*CW* Mentions of eating disorder behaviors. Millions of people are hiding an eating disorder every day. Despite affecting nearly 29 million Americans over their lifetimes, the majority never receive treatment, resulting in a heartbreaking loss every 52 minutes. People with eating disorders often become experts at hiding their struggles. They might avoid eating in front of others, make excuses to…

June 21, 2024

What Does a Dietitian Do?

The terms dietitian, nutritionist, and nutrition coach are often used interchangeably -- but they are not the same. A dietitian, or registered dietitian, has had extensive education, specialized coursework, an internship and a national exam, along with continuing education and state licensure. They provide expert nutrition education, create personalized meal plans, and collaborate with other health care providers. With a…

June 14, 2024

Can Eating Disorders Affect Fertility? 

Eating disorders impact the lives of millions of people. Conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, OSFED, and binge eating disorder can take a toll on a person’s health and wellbeing in many ways, and can lead to challenging health concerns. One challenge individuals experiencing eating disorders may struggle with is fertility. This intersection of two very personal journeys, an eating…

June 04, 2024
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