A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

Not One More 2021 | Renfrew Center

The Alliance’s call to action of Not One More is vital to allowing new awareness to emerge and grow. I wonder though, in the first moments of hearing “not one more,” is it possible that some of us may experience frustration and fear rising, causing a cloud of fog to emerge that keeps us from believing in the power of…

March 10, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Caron Renaissance

For many of us, this past year marked an unprecedented loss of normalcy and control – beyond our comprehension. We’ve borne witness to the loss of hope and desperation of loved ones and community members. We’ve had to create a new sense of safety, structure, and routine. Likewise, for those who struggle with eating disorders, the pandemic has been particularly…

March 09, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Eating Recovery Center

When I look up the meaning of Lost, this is what I find: “Unable to find one’s way; not knowing one’s whereabouts. Denoting something that has been taken away or cannot be recovered. Very confused or insecure or in great difficulties. Having perished or been destroyed” (from Oxford Languages). These definitions really do sum up life stuck in an eating…

March 03, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Center for Change

When I see the phrase “Not One More”, I admit that the first thing that comes to mind are questions. Can we really achieve the goal of “Not One More”? Especially as it pertains to mental health. So many people struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, eating disorders, substance abuse, and other debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. How do we fix it…

February 27, 2021

Not One More 2021 | McCallum Place

There are so many thoughts that come to mind when brainstorming a meaningful “Not One More” statement because, well, eating disorders truly rob people of so much. Not only do eating disorders affect individuals, but they can also have a devastating impact on their loved ones. The consequences of eating disorders tend to be obvious for the individual that is…

February 26, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Center for Discovery

When my child was in the grips of his eating disorder, every day was filled with “not one more” wishes. Not one more appointment with a doctor, therapist, dietitian or psychiatrist, who all contradicted one another. Not one more trip to the hospital for medical stabilization. Not one more stressful meal. Not one more night sleeping in the chair outside…

February 25, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Monte Nido & Affiliates

When I think of Not One More, I think of a very special young lady that we lost to her eating disorder. I was blessed to have known her and work with her as her therapist and was devastated to lose her to this disease. Since her loss, every time I smash a scale or go to an eating disorder…

February 24, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Walden Behavioral Care

How cool to be part of a weekend, a moment in time, a coming together in our eating disorder community where we raise our collective voices and say, “Enough. NOT ONE MORE.” Every eating disorder non-profit organization, treatment center, individual provider, family member, and person in recovery is here in this community because we believe in you. We believe in…

February 23, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Reasons Eating Disorder Center

Not one more person living with the experience of body shame and self-loathing. Not one more body labeled as unworthy of love. Not one more child given negative messages about their weight and shape. Not one more moment lost to fear and anxiety. Not one more individual receiving culturally incompetent care for an eating disorder Not one more person thinking…

February 21, 2021

Not One More 2021 | Timberline Knolls

I will never understand how people with such beautiful souls, incredible minds, empathetic hearts and an energy that is so radiant it captures the attention of everyone around them, are given such burdens to carry in this world. Never. I did not choose to have an eating disorder. The eating disorder chose me. I carried the weight of many secrets…

February 20, 2021
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