A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

Navigating the Pressures of Swimsuit Season

Swimsuit season. Beach body. Bikini ready. The terms are thrown around casually every summer. In regular conversation, on social media, and via media and advertising, we’re hit with messages that suggest we must prepare and perfect our bodies before changing into warm-weather clothing. “Get ready” for the summer, the messages say, by getting your body “ready.” “Follow this workout, stick…

July 01, 2022

Food and Culture: LGBTQ+ Clients of Latinx Backgrounds

Cultural and family values impact the relationships we have with food and with our bodies. Specifically, within Latinx cultures, food brings people together and is often seen as a love language. Food is a way of showing people you care about them and welcoming them into your home. On the other hand, food can be weaponized and utilized to control…

June 29, 2022

3 Things Every Medical Professional Should Know about Eating Disorders

You've Seen Eating Disorder Patients Before, Even If You Don't Think You Have. In fact, you may have seen it more recently than you realize. It is estimated that 9% of the population will suffer from an eating disorder in their lifetime (Harvard STRIPED, Academy for Eating Disorders, Deloitte Access Economics, 2020). One tertiary hospital recently published a study showing…

June 23, 2022

What is Pica Disorder?

The word “pica” is Latin for magpie—a bird known for eating almost anything. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), Pica can be defined as a feeding or eating disorder that involves eating non-nutritive, non-food substances. These items can include, but are not limited to: Paper Chalk Glass Dirt Clay Hair Paint Soap Who Develops Pica?…

June 21, 2022

The Vital Importance of Gender-Informed Care

Gender-informed care is close to my heart. When working with clients with an eating disorder, a gender-informed lens is necessary, and allowing space for clients to be seen and feel heard is vital to the recovery process. Doing so allows a provider to open their eyes past the binary and see individuals for who they are. In my work with…

June 16, 2022

The Power of Gender Inclusive Pronouns

It’s Pride Month and at Walden Behavioral Care, our pride is in our ability to connect from one heart to another. This means that when we work with clients, and each other, our priority is to treat one another as equals, as allies, and respected members of the greater community. We understand that due to a lack of understanding or…

June 07, 2022

Eating Disorders Don’t Take A Summer Vacation

For many, summertime means vacations, long, warm days, and a much-appreciated break from school or work. It is a season of sunshine and recreation. For the millions of people with an eating disorder, however, summer often means something much more difficult than carefree leisure and freedom. As the school year ends and summer approaches, now is the time to plan…

May 31, 2022

10 Tips to Reduce Stress

The COVID-19 pandemic added stress to our lives, which affects not only our mental health, but physical health and emotional well-being. Everyday routine stress, stress brought on by life changes (including those caused by a global pandemic), and even traumatic stress affect each of us in different capacities and different severities. Awareness surrounding stress is especially important this year, as…

May 20, 2022

Giving Yourself Grace

Disappointment is a part of the recovery process. In fact, it is a BIG part of it. How to handle it when you disappoint yourself, others; when you make a mistake, big or small; when you try something and you fail; when you don’t reach the often stratospherically high standards you set for yourself. We can read blog after blog…

May 13, 2022

Pregnancy and Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy brings new demands and changes to a person’s body – it’s necessary to get the right amount of caloric intake, vitamins, and minerals to remain healthy and ensure the fetus is developing. Prenatal care is highly specialized, and nutritionists have developed detailed eating plans for pregnancy to match these requirements. Unfortunately, many eating disorders bring nutritional imbalances and a…

March 24, 2022
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