A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

Not One More 2022 | Rogers Behavioral Health

28.8 million Americans – approximately 9% of the U.S. population – will have an eating disorder during their lifetime. These statistics, combined with the fact that eating disorders are the second most deadly mental illness, means that as a society we are at a crucial point. For the treatment teams at Rogers Behavioral Health, these figures are an important reminder…

February 27, 2022

Not One More 2022 | Center for Change

“Not One More” is a jumping off point for action leading to change. Progress can take small steps that can sometimes be hard to see. To provide Help, Support, and Recovery, we need to focus on Hope, Opportunity, and Resources to inspire us to act. Being immersed in a pandemic scenario for almost 2 years has affected the mental health…

February 26, 2022

Not One More 2022 | ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are pervasive. More than 29 million individuals in the United States will suffer from an eating disorder. Eating disorders affect all areas of life. They can become severely debilitating, and for some they become deadly. The stakes are high, and yet many individuals will never even receive treatment, either because they lack the resources, support, or means to…

February 25, 2022

Not One More 2022 | The Emily Program

As children, our minds are like sponges, soaking up all we see and hear around us. No one enters this world hating their body. We don’t start life with food rules and restrictions. We simply arrive as we are. And with our collective efforts, it is possible that not one more child will learn that they need to look a…

February 24, 2022

Not One More 2022 | Spring Health

#NotOneMore Company Without Access to Comprehensive Mental Health Support Just two years ago, the professional landscape looked drastically different. Most of us worked alongside our coworkers, in person, without fear of catching anything worse than the flu. At that time stress, burnout, uncertainty, and compassion fatigue didn’t have nearly as prominent a place in our vocabulary, though many of us…

February 23, 2022

Not One More 2022 | Timberline Knolls

What does “not one more” mean to you? As someone who spent many years fighting Anorexia Nervosa, my initial answer is to say “not one more eating disorder.” Just imagine a world where there are no more eating disorders. That sounds pretty great, but how? Approximately 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime, and 70% of…

February 22, 2022

still becoming.

by: Laurie Yurchuck, Administrative + Technology Coordinator --- I used to think that healing was a race. I thought that one day I would cross a finish line and I would be done. Fully healed. Fully recovered. All better. I used to think that healing was black and white; all or nothing. I would say that I am your typical…

February 21, 2022

Not One More 2022 | Monte Nido & Affiliates

Supporting clients on their journey through recovery to becoming fully recovered is far from easy. It is filled with a mixture of emotions, certainly too many to write on one blog post. Not One More is such a powerful topic and, while very hard to dwindle down to a word count, is the reason I come to work every day.…

February 21, 2022

Not One More 2022 | Equip

Unheard and Unseen: Enduring and Overcoming Medical Trauma as a Fat Woman of Color Content Warning: Loss of life, cancer, medical trauma --- I am scrolling through my phone, reading post after post, not completely registering any of the words or photos. I stop on a particularly interesting post – an article detailing the loss of a black woman’s life…

February 17, 2022

Not One More 2022 | Veritas Collaborative

Eating disorders are mental illnesses that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability, size, or other social categories. Every day at Veritas Collaborative, we see the toll that these widespread mental health conditions take on our patients and their families. The impact is profound. And at the same time, we see that treatment works. People get…

February 11, 2022
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