A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

Prioritizing Self-Care in our Daily Lives

Mental health is a lifelong journey of self-care, regardless of whether you’re a teenager navigating school and relationships or an adult managing work, family, and life pressures. Practical self-care strategies can be incorporated into your routine to help you stay emotionally and mentally balanced. Mental health challenges rarely exist in isolation. Too often, people focus on just one area of…

December 20, 2024

ARFID in Adults: What Are the Symptoms and How Is It Treated?

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is often mistaken for “picky eating” but involves severe food avoidance or restriction. This condition often flies under the radar during childhood, so many adults remain undiagnosed. ARFID in adults includes inflexible eating patterns, fear-based food restrictions, and sensitivity to food textures or appearances. Causes vary, including biological, genetic, psychological, and sociocultural factors. Adults with…

December 18, 2024

The Relationship Between Binge Eating Disorder and Depression

Anyone who has ever lived with an eating disorder likely understands the fact that illnesses like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder (BED) rarely exist in a vacuum. That means eating disorders are often accompanied by other psychiatric and medical conditions, including everything from anxiety to cardiac problems. While depression is one of the most common conditions to…

December 16, 2024

Using Labs to Detect & Treat Refeeding Syndrome

How to Use Labs to Detect and Treat Refeeding Syndrome The use of labs in the identification and treatment of refeeding syndrome offers insight into what electrolytes and substances are abnormal and how deficiencies need to be addressed. Refeeding syndrome is a potentially fatal shift in fluids and electrolytes, caused by hormonal and metabolic changes that occur in a malnourished…

December 12, 2024

Compulsive Exercise: When Fitness Becomes Unhealthy

Exercise and movement can be an important aspect for maintaining our wellbeing. Just as nourishing our bodies with food, wearing sunscreen, and visiting the doctor are part of personal care, so is moving our bodies. Whether it’s sports, fitness classes, gardening, or going for a morning stroll, exercise can nurture our mobility while jumpstarting the production of positive brain endorphins…

December 12, 2024

When Is It Safe to Exercise? Anorexia & Eating Disorder Recovery

If you're recovering from an eating disorder, work with your treatment team to determine when it’s appropriate to incorporate mindful movement and exercise back into your routine. If appropriate, reintroduce physical activity gradually and mindfully. Begin with gentle movement and avoid triggering activities, like using technology to track exercise. Exercise should be enjoyable, not depleting. For athletes, reintroduction should be…

December 04, 2024

Understanding ARFID in Adults

Gideon Whitehead says he’s struggled with ARFID for as long as he can remember. Because many people aren't aware that ARFID in adults even occurs, this was often isolating. “As an adult, I've felt secluded with my diagnosis. I tried a lot of things to hide it from those I loved,” he says. Whitehead, who is a peer mentor at…

November 27, 2024

Navigating Holidays: A Guide For Individuals Recovering From Eating Disorders

The holidays usually fill our lives with joy, cheer, and the spirit of unity. They typically include times for celebration, enjoying feasts, and expressing gratitude. However, for those on a recovery journey from eating disorders, the holiday season might present a unique set of challenges. The holiday season is usually characterized by an emphasis on food, festivities, and occasionally, stressful…

November 25, 2024

The Role of Hormones in Eating Disorders: Understanding the Biological Factors

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that can impact anyone. They can be caused by a wide variety of reasons, from cultural and social influences to biological factors, such as genetics and hormones. This article will help you better understand these biological factors, primarily the relationship between hormones and eating disorders. The role of hormones in eating disorders can…

November 22, 2024

The Influence of Parents and Caregivers on Adolescent Body Image and Eating Disorders

Body image issues are a growing concern for adolescents, and parents and family play a crucial role in shaping their children's self-perceptions. While social media is often blamed for promoting unrealistic beauty standards, parental attitudes and behaviors are also significant contributors to body image concerns. Understanding the impact parents have on their children's self-esteem and eating habits can help children…

November 22, 2024
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