A Journey Through Eating Disorders Support & Recovery

The Surprising History of Diet Culture

Despite all the messaging that tells us otherwise, health looks different in everybody. Unfortunately, diet culture has strong-armed society into upholding a very narrow view of what is “healthy” and “good.” Diet culture is the pervasive belief that certain body types are better than others. It’s based on myths that can ultimately have negative consequences for one’s overall well-being. But…

June 27, 2023

6 Symptoms of Night Eating Syndrome

Many people have heard of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, but an eating disorder can present in many different ways. A lesser-known eating disorder is night eating syndrome (NES). Often overlooked or misunderstood by the general population, night eating syndrome affects about one in one hundred Americans, roughly a similar prevalence rate as anorexia nervosa. It’s…

June 10, 2023

What To Say to Someone With an Eating Disorder

Eating disorders affect both the person struggling and those around them. As a loved one, it makes sense to feel desperate for what to say. You want to help your friend or family member, but often, what you want to say to them might not actually be helpful and can sometimes even be harmful. Here we give some tips on…

May 21, 2023

So, Let’s Talk About Eating Disorders In Men

Anyone can have an eating disorder. While conversations about eating disorders tend to focus on the significant social pressures women face regarding body image concerns and food, it is important to understand that men and male-identifying individuals also may be impacted by eating disorders. Did you know that men account for roughly 25% of eating disorder diagnoses? Unfortunately, many men…

May 10, 2023

What Is an Eating Disorder Helpline?

At the National Alliance for Eating Disorders (“The Alliance”), our mission is to create better access to education, referrals, and care for anyone suffering from an eating disorder. Our helpline is a core aspect of how we enact this vision. The Alliance’s eating disorder helpline is a confidential resource that can help individuals, loved ones, and providers find support and…

April 14, 2023

Is Your Loved One Experiencing Atypical Anorexia? 6 Signs to Look Out For

Categorizing and labeling any eating disorder is a tricky subject. On one hand, having a clear diagnosis makes it easier to create medical reports and prescribe treatment. However, creating rigid boxes for a diagnosis ends up leaving some people out. Each body is different, and eating disorders, like all mental illnesses, show up with a range of intensities, symptoms, and…

March 24, 2023

Debunking 4 Myths of Virtual Eating Disorder Treatment Programs

Advances in technology, the changing needs of those living with eating disorders, and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an increase in individuals seeking virtual eating disorder treatment programs. In basic terms, virtual eating disorder treatment is the delivery of remote clinical services through virtual means, including video conferencing, instant messaging, email, phone calls, and other internet-based…

March 24, 2023

What Is Inpatient Eating Disorder Treatment? 5 Things to Know

An eating disorder is a dangerous and potentially fatal mental health condition that should be treated by medical professionals. For those struggling with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, it’s important to know what treatment programs are available and to understand what those treatments may entail. Individuals who require a more intensive treatment program…

March 12, 2023

Science says Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is the Most Effective Treatment for Eating Disorders—Here’s Why

Maris Degener and her family had just begun seeking eating disorder treatment when they were given a pamphlet for something called the “Maudsley Method.” She’d never heard of it, but proceeded as any curious teenager would: she Googled it. “I read about how the main focus in the beginning was on weight restoration and renourishment, and educating parents and family…

March 09, 2023
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