

Can I Exercise During My Eating Disorder Recovery?

03/12/2020 | By

Movement and exercise play a complicated but important role in eating disorder treatment. Exercise, perhaps more than any other aspect

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8 Steps to Take Toward Recovery This Year

03/05/2020 | By

For those living with an eating disorder, maybe 2020 can be the year you start to work toward recovery. No

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Why a New Year does NOT mean a New YOU!

01/06/2020 | By

New year, new you? NOPE! It is the time of year when the airwaves are filled with messages of resolutions

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How Do We Navigate Negative Food and Body Image Talk?

12/30/2019 | By

As we celebrate the holidays, we are reunited with many family members and loved ones. We know from experience as

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Surviving the Holidays with an Eating Disorder

12/22/2019 | By

I’m sure we’ve all heard the song, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. No matter what holiday(s) you

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Four Tips for Reducing Negative Self-Talk

12/01/2019 | By

“I’m so disgusting. There’s no way I am going to this party tonight. All people are going to think about

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Seven SMASHing Years Later

11/16/2019 | By

Today, Southern Smash turns seven! I often get asked, “How did you start Southern Smash? How did you make it

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Eating Disorders and College: What’s the Connection?

11/03/2019 | By

The beginning of fall is often associated with the start of a new school year and for many the transition

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Gaining Confidence Through Clothing: A Recovery Story

08/28/2019 | By

Let’s keep it real, everyone wants to look good in whatever they’re wearing. Growing up, for others, affording a pair

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Healthy Communication in Eating Disorder Recovery

07/27/2019 | By

Not surprisingly, a major focus of therapy for people who have eating disorders is helping them to develop healthier ways

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Your Meal Plan: Build a Strong Foundation

07/01/2019 | By

I often ask my clients to think of their meal plan like the blueprints for building a house. Some parts

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The Relationship Between Eating Disorders and Grief

06/04/2019 | By

Experiencing a significant loss such as losing a loved one, a pet, a relationship, or a job can bring on

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Supporting a Loved One Through Mental Illness

05/09/2019 | By

It is likely you have been on either or both sides of this conversation. Most of us have found ourselves

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Where Mechanical Eating Meets Intuitive Eating

04/29/2019 | By

Eating disorders can be consuming and overwhelming. The process of recovery is often described as a roller-coaster of emotions that

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When is it an Eating Disorder and Not Disordered Eating?

04/02/2019 | By

We all have our idiosyncrasies around eating. So when do our behaviors around eating become a problem? When are our

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Why I Walk and Hope You will Too

02/19/2019 | By

I Walk for my family and the millions of families who have been experienced the devastation of a loved one

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Experiencing Emotions in Eating Disorder Recovery

02/02/2019 | By

“It seems like I am experiencing my feelings, now that I am no longer bingeing and purging my emotions”. This

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Supporting Your Spouse Through Recovery

01/16/2019 | By

I’ve read numerous articles about parental support and involvement in recovery for their loved ones with eating disorders. There’s an

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