Our List of 50+ Eating Disorder Recovery Tips for Tough Days

August 13, 2024

Everyone’s path to recovery is unique and involves managing the ups and downs that come with it. Building a supportive network, practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and using coping skills like mindfulness are just a few of the many tools that can help along the way. Remember, recovery isn’t linear — but with persistence and support, you can find healing.

Excerpt from Eating Recovery Center:

Every day, you get to make a choice. It’s up to you to choose recovery.

Eating disorder recovery does not happen in a straight line. There will be ups and downs. On the good days and on the bad days, you are still making progress — as long as you continue to choose recovery.

Remind yourself why you chose recovery. What led you to treatment in the first place? When you feel like giving up, write out a list of your values and your desires for your future — and let those guide you in taking the next best step for you.

It’s okay to have difficult and painful thoughts, feelings, and emotions in recovery. It’s okay to struggle. You may not know how you are going to get through this, but you will.

Read the full article here.